In Altered Carbon, the first episode opens with Kovacs in what is in this question called his “birth sleeve”, and IMDb lists as “O.G. Kovacs”, played by Byron Mann. O.G. meaning “original”, if I am down with the kids!
However, also in the series (including episode 1) we see him in a sleeve that IMDb calls “Kovacs Prime” played by Will Yun Lee, and in episode 7, "Nora Inu", is described on screen as his “original skin”.
Both being Asian characters, it’s not obvious to me which of these is supposed to be the real Kovacs that is aged up from the child Kovacs we see in various episodes.
I have only seen up to episode 7, but IMDb does not list any further appearances of Byron Mann. If he is in fact the original Kovacs, then how does he get back into that sleeve after the stronghold attack. Is it explained?