There is a traditional trope in science fiction: an alien arrives in a backward world and tries to advance its scientific and technical progress.
I would like to know the first novel or story in which this kind of relationship exists. I'd like to make some clarifications:
The alien may be an alien but he may also be a time traveler. He does not have to be from a different race or species than the people he is trying to help evolve.
Development aid must be conscious and an important task for him, not just a side effect of his contacts with the natives.
The identity of the world to be developed is not important. It can be the Earth or it can be another planet.
It doesn't have to be interplanetary travel. A fantastic story about a major journey made by some kind of advanced "Atlantean" refugees would be admissible.
I would like to exclude stories inspired by some historical precedents of Western colonialism, in which a traveller or shipwrecked person has a strong impact on the tribe that receive him thanks to his more advanced medicine or weaponry.