This discussion regarding Defence Against the Dark Arts results takes place in chapter 15 of Order of the Phoenix, emphasis mine.
“Me?” said Harry, now grinning more broadly than ever. “No I’m not, you’ve beaten me in every test —” “Actually, I haven’t,” said Hermione coolly. “You beat me in our third year — the only year we both sat the test and had a teacher who actually knew the subject. But I’m not talking about test results, Harry. Look what you’ve done!”
This is absolutely a nitpick, but it got me thinking: isn't Hermonie's last condition - "and had a teacher who actually knew the subject" - redundant? To my memory, third year is the only year where both Harry and Hermione sat their DADA exam. As I recall:
- In first year, Dumbledore cancelled the exams as a school treat. And as I recall it, something about Quirrell being a good teacher is what started this conversation.
- In second year, Hermione missed them due to being petrified.
- Third year isn't a problem.
- In four year, Harry was exempt due to the Triwizard tournament.
- Any exams after fourth year haven't happened yet.
Am I mistaken? Or was third year the only year where they both sat their DADA exam?