Looking for a novel I read at least 25 years ago, and possibly not new at the time. I can recall some themes and specific scenes, but no names.
Near future setting, where something (nuclear war?) has taken place and pushed most communities back to a pastoral setting.
First scene I recall has a child considered to lack intelligence. He's got multiple unrelated books open and is flipping between them. His village is attacked and he builds a weapon that disintegrates them. It's concluded that he 'thinks in parallel'.
Slight time jump and a hunter is ambushed in the woods. He jumps a huge distance horizontally then vertically, and can run above normal human speeds. He is recruited to return to a city, where me meets other mutants. There is something about them being arrested, and living on 'the hill'. The genius mutant is also in the city, living on 'the mountain' where he occasionally descends to give a new technology to the non-mutant population.
The mutants are going to crew a space mission, I think to Mars. Cannot recall the reason, but they are in a race with another nation to achieve this.
Other features:
Power beams - energy from a central source is sent wirelessly elsewhere, including the shoulders of their space suits.
Protagonists are captured and the athletic one is nominated to escape as he will be able to run further on limited oxygen than anyone else.
A strong mutant - possibly Russian? - points out their limitations "I am like horse strong, but not like tractor strong."
Read in English, but no idea of author. Sound familiar to anyone?