I've seen this question which is looking for an in-universe answer, but I'm wondering about the usage of the word IRL.
I've been rewatching DS9, and just saw an episode where O’Brien is talking with Worf about their time on the Enterprise.
O’Brien: Come on, Worf. I came to talk.
Worf: About what?
O’Brien: Anything you want. Old friends, the Enterprise... remember... what’s-his-name? Lieutenant Barclay?
Worf: Who can forget him?
O’Brien: And those holosuite programs of his?
Worf: The Three Musketeers
O’Brien: Geordi waving that sword around.
It struck me as odd that O’Brien would refer to a "holosuite" onboard Enterprise. Was there any kind of real-world reason (like how we all pretend Tom Paris is not Nick Locarno) that the word "holodeck" was only ever spoken once on DS9 – during the pilot – or was this just a slip-up?