Why was the portal ultimately closed when Berem died on the foundation stone instead of opening it for Takhisis?
Early on the lore when Jasla dies, there is "a chain forged of love" effect that bars Takhisis from using the gate, but when Berem dies in Spring Dawning and he and Jasla are freed, why does the portal closes and the whole temple crumbles? Shouldn't the portal then become open and unobstructed?
Was it because the emerald was destroyed and it was an inherent part of the portal? In that case, why did Takhisis give it to Berem, did she not know yet it would be necessary?
I wonder what was her plan then, to capture him and first remove the gem to get rid of his gift of immortality, be able to kill him so he would take Jasla away from the foundation stone as their spirits go forth into the next plane, and then have the portal unobstructed so she could cross it? But that was basically what happened if not by the completely accidental destruction of the emerald.
I plan to have a chance of my players to actually fail that part, have Takhisis enter Krynn and continue forth from there, but how could she had succeed then? What went wrong?