I am almost certain I read this SF story in one of Ultimate Publishing's magazines (Amazing, Fantastic, or one of their all-reprint digests) between 1965 and 1970. What little I can remember: it takes place in a city or base that is covered by either a force-field or a physical dome of some kind. Some kind of fungi or growth (probably alien) is clinging to the underside of the dome. This growth somehow kills people and reanimates them as zombies who want to kill the living.
In one scene the MC is talking to another man via visiphone; suddenly someone grabs the man by the hair and pulls him out of camera range. There is a scream and then the face of a zombie appears on the screen; it goes 'Argh!'. (Even as a kid I thought it was ridiculous and over the top, but I still want to read this story again.)