DavidW solved a recent story-ID question by identifying the short story "Coins" by Leo P. Kelley (1968; ISFDB entry), featuring a young man named Lank living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where decisions are made by coin tosses.
I thought this story sounded interesting, so I tried to look it up online, but instead came across a novel The Coins of Murph by Leo P. Kelley (1974; Goodreads entry), featuring a young man named Lank living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where decisions are made by coin tosses.
Obviously these two works aren't the same, but they're also far too similar to be entirely separate tales. What is the relationship between them?
- Is the novel a sequel to the short story?
- Is it an extension of the same basic tale, with all essential details preserved but a longer story told?
- Is it "inspired by" the short story but with an essentially different plot/setting/characters?
I haven't read either story, and haven't been able to find much information about "Coins" at all (it's hard to search for since its title is a subset of the novel's).