Can the Replicator from Star Trek: TNG create illicit substances? Say there was a life form that lived on cocaine or THC or required them for recreational purposes, could the Replicator make these? Or are there specific Starfleet Regulations and specifications that make it impossible as they are on some sort of future opiumlist?
Below I note some details of Star Trek: TNG "Up the Long Ladder" S02E18 so be forewarned.
In Star Trek: TNG "Up the Long Ladder", the brionglóidí led by an Irishman named Danilo O'Dell are on board the Enterprise. He and his compatriots try to build a still to make alcohol but can't because a fire will be stopped by the ship's firesafety system. Danilo O'Dell asks Worf for a stiff drink and Worf tells him to order anything with alcohol from the Replicator.