During the late 1970's and early 1980's Scholastic would publish and sell books at elementary schools and I picked one up which had 8-10 stories inside which were all fantasy or sci-fi in nature. The cover was black and white with lot of yellow on it. The first story I remember is this:
A space ship, illustrated as a saucer, had landed and the crew went to explore the landscape. The vegetation was crystal by nature and there were creatures that resided in the crystal landscape that attacked the crew. The creatures may have been spider like in look. The crew I believe used laser pistols to destroy the creatures as they retreated back to their ship. How it ended, I do not remember. But the battle was vivid and there were several illustrations to go along with the story.
A second story which may have been in the same book is this:
A man goes into a an all you can eat buffet and orders. He spends his time eating through breakfast, then moves into lunch. The owner of the restaurant soon starts to wonder and questions the man about his appetite. The man fills his plates high with food and when dinner comes around, the man is still eating. The owner is upset and complains that even though it said "all you can eat", it does not mean, "all you can" and the man must stop. I believe the man then explains that he is not from here, and that the food he eats is actually being transported across a vast distance to his home world where there is no more food and this food he is eating is saving that world. The story ends which the man leaving the restaurant in search of another all you can eat buffet. This story was illustrated in black and white and I believe showed a downward view of the restaurant with a large "all you can eat" sign. Another illustration was either of him with a huge pile of food on a plate or with him going to the buffet with a waitress gawking at him.
That's all I have folks, it was a elementary / young adult style book. Lots of illustrations in black and white. Published in the late '70's or early '80's. Does anyone have a clue what this book was called, it's been bugging me for years.