There was a short that I read in an anthology, when I was on my anthology kick about 8-15 years ago. I am fairly positive that the story was from pre-1995, if that helps anyone. I know it wasn't a novella, but it wasn't a short-short if I recall that too.
The premise:
A group of super-bright scientists are selected to go on a (experimental?) space craft from Earth.
The details I'm firm on:
- One of the astronauts was a young chinese man who recreated the iching as a set of tokens and used them to setup a form of horoscope since the constellations didn't match the familiar ones anymore.
The details I'm pretty sure about:
- They end up diverting from their pre-assigned flight path and flying into space forever.
- They all went mad.
- That the young chinese man was indeed a young Chinese male. He may have been a she, and she may have been from another oriental country, but I know it was about the iChing. That always stuck out to me.