I read a series of books when I was in middle school about a kid who lived on a Mars colony, and since he was paraplegic (or handicapped in some way, I don't remember exactly to what extent, I'm pretty sure he was in a wheelchair), he was the only one who could control rovers on the exterior (I think everyone mostly stayed inside). He was constantly having to fix stuff that broke down by controlling the rover with his mind.
I vaguely remember at one point he was kidnapped and taken to Earth for some reason, I think he also might have met other paraplegic kids who could control rovers with their minds? It's all very hazy but I remember liking the series. I think there might have been some overt religious tones to the book, I think his parent were Christians or something. Has anyone read this series? I probably read these around 2000-2002 but the books themselves might have been older.