An answer to this question reminded me of the children's science fiction show Luna, shown on ITV in 1983 - 1984 (and also apparently broadcast in New Zealand). Although I've only ever seen the show on blurry VHS tapes (I'm not old enough to have seen it on original broadcast) I was quite captivated by it when I was young.
One of its most distinctive features was the futuristic language, Technotalk, that the characters spoke. It was a little like Orwell's Newspeak in some ways ("good" was "ok", "bad" was "non-ok', and "very good" was "ultra-ok"), and was characterised by the formation of new words from standard English words (such as a "child" being a "diminibeing", and a "school" is an "eduviron"). It was quite intriguing to untangle the meaning of some of the sentences. A small glossary is available here.
The episode titles were also rendered into Technotalk. They seem to be jokes or puns, or parodies of well-known sayings. I've done my best to translate them, but there are a few that defeat me. I'd appreciate any help on the ones I can't get, together with comments on whether you think my translations are correct.
Ultra-gratitudes for your tocks!
Season 1
Habiviron, Sweet Habiviron = Home, Sweet Home
The Clunkman Cometh = (no idea)
All The World's A Teletalk Linkup = All the world’s a stage
Happy Batch Day Dear Luna = Happy Birthday Dear Luna
Environmental Ambience Stable, Wish You Were Here = Weather’s nice, wish you were here
When Did You Last See Your Pater Batch Mix Donor = When did you last see your father?
Season 2
You Can't Judge a Videotalker by its Blurb = You can’t judge a book by its cover
Go Forth and Quadruplicate = Go forth and multiply
The Happiest Earth Revolves of Your Span = The happiest days of your life
It Isn't How You Vict or Slunk But How You Co-participate = (no idea)
A Bureaubureau In The Hand Is Worth A Pension = (no idea)
You're Only As Multi-Tocked As You Perceive = You’re only as old as you feel