NBC’s Manimal aired from Sept. to Dec. 1983. Episode 2, “Illusion” involved Manimal foiling the plans of a Bulgarian ambassador hiding behind his immunity status to smuggle illegal goods into the country. Glen A. Larson produced this show and part of this episode also occurs in another Larson series, Automan, which aired on ABC in Dec. of 1983.
ABC’s Automan aired from 1983-1984. It’s third Episode “The Great Pretender” involved the hijacking of a truck load of paper the government uses to print money. Automan, with the help of Cursor, poses as a rich criminal competing to undermine the existing network of a known criminal dealing in counterfeit money. Events in this episode occur in Manimal; producer Glen A. Larson reused previously-shot Manimal footage in this episode.
Glen A. Larson also went on to adapt Malibu Comics’ Night Man for syndicated television, first airing September 15, 1997 to May 17, 1999. In Season 2 Episode 6 (series episode 28), “Manimal,” Night Man works with the shapeshifting Dr. Jonathan Chase, from Larson’s prior Manimal series, and his daughter to put an end to the homicidal rampage of a time-travelling Jack the Ripper.
Is there any authoritative source establishing that Automan, Manimal, and Night Man all exist within the same universe, or is this just Larson playing cute with Easter eggs?