In the late night comedy talk show host Seth Meyers' recent video Trump's Secret Positive COVID Test; GOP's Omicron Conspiracy Theories: A Closer Look (cued at 09:17
) there's a graphic of a faux old, used sci-fi paperback with yellowed pages with "period" artwork commensurate with the degree of yellowing. The faux title written in period font is "The Omicron Variant".
My question is about the cover art.
Meyers regularly laments about the small size of the show's budget allotted to various sound clips, graphics and other gimmicks, so I wonder if this artwork is original, inspired from known cover art, or straight-up borrowed or licensed from somewhere.
Question: Is the cover art on this faux paperback graphic "The Omicron Variant" on Seth Meyers' "A Closer Look" borrowed from a real SciFi novel's cover?
Or at least an homage to one, or "heavily inspired by"?