Reference @evilsoup ‘s comment question which is in follow-up to an associated question, “20 or 21 Primarchs (participating in the Great Crusade)?
“Is "Primarch" a title as recognised by imperial society or is it a description of the physical substance of certain individuals?”
It dawned on me, I’m not sure what the answer to that is.
What is the meaning of “Primarch” — Is "Primarch" a title as recognised by imperial society or is it a description of the physical substance of certain individuals?
Things I am not exactly clear on related to this question, which may help focus the answer: Is it a title or position that the Emperor may bestow, or Primarch-led Legion seconds-in-command may be promoted to or claim should their Primarch fall? Or is it a specific feature limited to only “the 20 (21)” “superhumans genetically-engineered by the Emperor?” @DavidW distills this question down more succinctly: