In or before 1961 I spent some time at a Boys Club in Philadelphia, and one thing I did there was read comic books.
I remember a Thor comic book in which aliens (possibly the Kree or the Skrulls) were on Earth and Thor was opposing them. I remember a scene where the aliens were using their greatest weapon on Thor but Thor continued to fight. And one of the awestruck aliens said something like "Never before, since time's first dawning, has any being displayed such power!"
And I remember thinking what a great exaggeration that was. How could anyone know more than a tiny, insignificent proportion of all that has happened since the universe began?
I kind of feel like saying something like "Never before or after, since time's first dawning, has any being uttered such exreme hyperbole!", but my knowledge of comics makes me suspect that there are probably even greater examples.
So can anyone identify the Thor story with such hyperbole?