I'm trying to rediscover a book I read as a preteen/young teen, early 2010s. Though I don't think it was new at the time.
The plot I remember involves the protagonist (a young girl I think) and her friends traveling to the edge of her cube planet before making it to one of the other sides. They don't know the planet is a cube, but think it's flat and are trying to find the edge of the world. The edges of the planet were covered in sharp crystal structures. On the way they find a crashed spaceship, though it's not identified as such by the characters since they live in a society that hasn't made it to space yet. In the ship they find and activate an robot/android. The robot is the one who explains the planet is a cube, as they crashed due to their systems crashing when they tried to process the existence of an impossible cube planet. The different sides of the planet had never interacted with each other due to how hard it is to travel between sides, so the culture on the other side was completely different, though I don't remember either the new one or the one they started in.
Otherwise the only thing I really remember is that gravity worked as it would on a cube, so the closer the protagonists got to the edge, the stronger the gravity pull becomes trying to drag them back to the center of the side.
I'm Swedish and read it in Swedish if that helps, but I don't know if it was originally in Swedish (not likely imo, there's very little Swedish written scifi). I think it was the first of a series, but I never read any more.
You'd really think a book about a cube planet would be easy to find but nope!
EDIT: The fact that the planet was a cube wasn't a big deal untill the end of the book. Before the spaceship encounter everyone thought the world was flat because to their observations, it was.