I saw this movie in 2014, when I was only 11, so I can't remember it.

It's about a couple in a future where people can record their memories with some chip or something in their eye. I remember a scene where they just stood in bed and watched a memory of themselves having sex rather than actually having sex. And the guy had a big house and there was a car chase. I also remember that the wife leaked the husband's memories on TV or something.


6 Answers 6


You might be looking for The Entire History of You, which is not a movie but an episode of Black Mirror. It originally aired in 2011 so you could have definitively watched it in 2014.

(Note: I take this all from the plot page on Wikipedia, because like you I have watched this episode a couple of years ago and I don't remember all the details.)

It's about a couple in a future where people can record their memories with some chip or something in their eye.

They use a device called a "grain". It records everything they experience and it can be used to "re-do" i.e. re-watch whatever they want selectively. The episode is centered around a couple having some marital trouble.

I remember a scene where they just stood in bed and watched a memory of themselves having sex rather than actually having sex.

There is a sex scene after the couple reconciles which includes them watching previous sexual encounters.

And the guy had a big house and there was a car chase.

Not a chase but he does wreck his car while totally drunk.

I also remember that the wife leaked the husband's memories on TV or something.

The husband eventually "forces" (in the psychological sense) his wife to show the memory of her having sex with another man. She shows it on the TV in their house as far as I recall.

  • 5
    It may be relevant that 2014 is when Netflix first acquired the series, so for non-UK viewers it would have been "new".
    – IMSoP
    Commented Mar 10, 2022 at 13:59
  • I find it slightly disconcerting that an 11-year-old was watching this "Black Mirror" episode. Isn't the series 18 +? Commented Mar 21, 2022 at 10:25
  • @VaibhavGarg I can't actually find an "age rating" on Netflix. There is a "parental guide" on IMDb. Every country has it's own rating, of course. But on average the guide gives either 15/16 or 18+ as a rating. So yes, it's intended for "mature" audiences. But here is hardly the right place to discuss "parenting issues". Commented Mar 21, 2022 at 11:04
  • @Sebastian_H You are correct, of course. Being a father of a 10-year-old, I was just wondering out loud! Commented Mar 25, 2022 at 3:11

This is almost certainly "The Entire History of You", an episode of the British Channel 4 anthology series "Black Mirror" (which later moved to Netflix). In the future, an implant called a "grain" records everything you see, say and do. The memories can be reviewed, and even displayed to others on external devices.


Honorable mention for Wim Wender's 1991 film Until The End of the World, which features recordings of (some of) the main characters' memories and dreams (made by a viewfinder-like device over their eyes), their increasing absorption with living in those recordings (to the point of detachment and dissociation), and car chases.

Not sure about leaked recordings to TV.

Aside: Holy Moly! Was Wenders ever crazy prescient about self-absorption and "the disease of images!"

  • 1
    Another honourable mention to "Death Watch", the movie based on the D.G. Compton novel "The Continuous Katherine Mortenhoe" (a.k.a. "The Unsleeping Eye"). Commented Mar 11, 2022 at 6:09

Possibly "The Final Cut" with Robin Williams.

He plays a character who is a, "Cutter". Where he edits people's recorded memories to display at people's funerals.

He cuts a memory of a wealthy family, which may fit the large house part. Additionally, he is chased due to his profession, but I can't recall a car chase in-particular.


I am not sure, but it may be Strange Days (1995).

  • 2
    Hi, welcome to SF&F. Can you describe how this matches the question? Is there a scene of replaying sex rather than engaging in it like the question mentions?
    – DavidW
    Commented Apr 25 at 16:18
  • The description of the topic is a little blurry and incomplete, I just may have an assumption as in mentioned movie - "people's memories can be recorded using chips in their eyes" were possible. Commented May 4 at 19:26

It’s called strange days I watched it a while ago and everything you described is what I also remembered. It’s a futuristic movie where there’s a device that you can wear that provides a vr effect, which allows you to experience someone’s memories. Though it is a black market trade and the memories are usually stolen and sold to men to watch people have sex. A former cop who now is in the black market trade comes across a memory of a murder and tries to solve the mystery of who did it alongside his limo driver and friend.

  • Hi, welcome to SF&F. Can you confirm that the recording is done through people's eyes as mentioned in the question?
    – DavidW
    Commented May 17 at 14:09
  • While Strange Days does involve memory-recording technology, it doesn't seem to match the other plot points the OP described, such as the movie being about a couple who live in a big house and watch a memory of themselves having sex rather than actually having sex, or the wife leaking the husband's memories on TV. Commented May 17 at 15:59

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