In Star Trek: Picard - Season 2, Episode 4 - Watcher Admiral Picard visits
the 2024 version of Guinan in her bar Ten Forward
The person does neither recognize his face nor later his name when he gives it, at least not in a sense that they acknowledge personally knowing the name - only apparently sensing (as per usual) that they should be helping this stranger with this rather important name.
Which is strange, considering she personally
met Picard before in person in San Francisco in the year 1893, learned his name and when he is from (in the TNG Season 5 Finale Season 6 Premiere two part story Time's Arrow)
yet somehow there seemingly is no recollection of these events.
Is this an indication of
the event Picard and Company are trying to prevent changing things before it apparently happens (timey-wimey stuff) or have the writers forgotten or deliberately ignored (most likely for dramatic reasons [in that case there could be quotes]) their characters' pasts?