Read a fantasy book about 14 years ago. Don’t remember much, but in the beginning of the book, a woman is being attacked and frightens the assailant by saying the name of someone they fear or predicts will kill them. Can’t remember his name, but he’s a central or main character. In one part of the story, one of the characters travels through a tree and when she comes out, has become beautiful.
1What kind of fantasy? Contemporary? Medieval? Faerie? Powdermages?– FuzzyBootsCommented Aug 29, 2022 at 21:12
Thanks for replying, medieval I think. It’s one of the few fantasy books I have read so wanted to go back to it but the name escapes me!– BookhelpCommented Aug 29, 2022 at 21:25
4If someone posts the correct answer, you can accept by clicking on the checkmark by the voting buttons, as per the tour.– FuzzyBootsCommented Aug 29, 2022 at 21:31
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Sounds like Elizabeth Hayden’s Rhapsody
The main character, Rhapsody, has magical Naming powers which she uses early on when being attacked by her stalker’s troops.
Later, she and her companions escape by traveling down a world tree through the fire at the centre of the world. Using her Naming to safely pass through she unintentionally remakes herself magically beautiful.