Some years ago, never mind how many, (Early 2000-2010) my mother gifted me a thick volume of sci-fi short stories. I vaguely remember the dust jacket being covered in greenery.
I feel like the title was something like "Tales from Down under" but that search yields no fruit.
There were two stories in it that I remember quite well.
The first is a story about a hotel/resort/living situation that's high in a snowy mountain range. Everyone that lives there is immortal. In their immortal state, they experience everything through a filter. They can sort of taste and feel and smell, but not really. The only way they can end their lives completely is by complete incineration, which some of them choose in favor of madness. The protagonist is either a journalist that's interviewing one of these super rich immortals, or a potential inductee into their cabal of eternal life. I can't quite recall which.
The second story I can remember is a short about a South American prostitute. They live in a future world where a drug has been invented that can completely repair and perfect your genetic code. It starts off as something only for the super rich, but bootlegs end up becoming available over time. The only caveat is that it changes your sex each time you take it. So if you keep taking it, you will oscillate between male and female. But most consider that a reasonable price to pay.
Can anyone think of what book I might be remembering? Thank you so very much for your attention.