The story is an isekai fantasy manga, mostly in black and white, and I recall it following video game logic. I don't remember if it's a reincarnation manga. It might be a light novel adaptation.
The main character (MC) is transported to a fantasy world, and is stuck using a sword. This may have been because he doesn't have an appropriate magical staff, or wants to hide his magic proficiency. Despite using a sword, he is an expert swordsman by the world's standards.
Near the very start of the manga, I remember him applying to a guild, and was tested with a 1v1 sword fight, with him winning and passing. Everyone's impression of him was favorable.
He later went on a boat, encountering two women who needed help with creating a potion, requiring a rare ingredient. The MC coincidentally had the ingredient, and helped them out, which they were grateful for. Later, the boat was attacked by a giant sea-monster (kraken or serpent?). The protagonist saved the boat with only his sword, and everyone on-board is amazed by his skill. One of the women he helped out earlier approached him and revealed that she was the owner of a large business, and scouted him. She gave him a special card to show he was affiliated with her business.
Sometime after the MC gets off the boat, he goes to a tavern and notices a server getting harassed by a group of rowdy men. The MC confronts them, and they get scared off when he unknowingly showed his card to pay for his meal. It was revealed the the card indicated that he was a high profile person of one of the fantasy world's most influential companies/businesses.
The MC meets up with the business owner again, and she gives him a task of eradicating some pests that were ruining the business' farms (which I remember to be giant moles). The MC goes to the farm, and kills dozens of moles, much to the surprise of the farm owner, as she thought there was only one. When the MC meets back up with the business owner, she is surprised it only took him one day to finish the task, even joking if he forgot something. She then negotiated a personal contract with him to do tasks for her business.
Some of the details may be wrong, but I distinctly remember the sequence of events being correct.