Does anyone know what this story is? Here are the details I know:
- A pilot crashes on some form of embattled planet.
- On the planet there is an octopus mom-type creature. She is very large and her culture and genetics and species is such that she finds all her joy and purpose in life in nursing young.
- She ends up losing her children and she is fading fast.
- She finds the pilot and nurses him back to health, adopting the pilot (an adult man) as her baby.
- I read it in a compilation of Science Fiction short stories.
- I think I read the story sometime between 2015-2017, but the compilation may have come from an earlier year.
- I believe the compilation was a collection of science fiction short stories, possibly having "science fiction" or "year / year's best" in the title.
I've searched the full text of many sci fi compilations for "Twice-mo, Twice mo, and Barren" - thank you to Nailah for the suggested key words. I have found no hits as of yet.
It was one of the most heart-warming just incredible stories. Yet I can't find it and I'd love to use it in my classrooms as a lesson in empathy, and perspective taking.
Any help you can offer would be most appreciated - I'm so hoping this forum might be able to help.