I've recently purchased a replica hilt for Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber and it comes with both a black and a silver button bezel.

Looking at various stills from The Phantom Menace it appears that the prop uses the black bezel throughout the film. However, photographs of Liam Neeson with a gifted prop and pictures of the Galaxy's Edge version of the saber show it with the silver bezel.

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I'm assuming that out of universe it's simply because many props were made for various reasons and the details might not be consistent.

Is there a canon answer as to what color is correct or should I simply pick the one that I like best?

1 Answer 1


This is the 'hero'* lightsaber wielded by Neeson in The Phantom Menace and sold at auction by Propstore. The bezel under the activation button is grey/silver.

enter image description here

Neeson appears to have a second copy of this prop mounted on his plaque. Given its near-perfect condition, it may not actually be a 'screen-used' version.

A 'stunt'* version of the lightsaber was also used in the film and sold by Propstore for a lower price. The bezel is black rubber.

enter image description here

*Hero props are "props used in close-up shots and must be highly finished and free of defects" / Stunt props "require the same detail as hero props but must be created out of soft, safe materials that are also tough enough to remain intact as actors interact with them"

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