I vaguely remember a show that I once watched but I do not have enough elements to identify it and until now all my attempts have been unsuccessful. I was probably drunk or high or both when I watched it, which is why my memories are scrappy and imprecise. Honestly, I am not completely sure that the show even exists or it is only something I imagined. Anyway, I am here to ask for help in figuring it out, if possible.
These are the things that I remember: the show is an animation movie or series that takes place in space. There are spaceships, space travels and all the good stuff. Some kind of supernatural power or should I say "entity" is there. A giant space monster that travels freely across the galaxy. At a certain point, the ships where the main action happens, incurs in some kind of space fracture or wormhole that takes it to another level of space time, something beyond the regular spacetime, where more of this supernatural "entities" are. There, the crew is taught about the real nature of the universe and of the supernatural entities.
Last piece of intel: I probably watched it on Netflix, but I am still unable to find any trace of it on the platform so... not sure about it.
That's it, I know it's not much and keep in mind that I was almost certainly very high: I do not exclude that I simply tripped on something I was watching and went far beyond the plot.