In Legends junior novel Star Wars Trilogy: Return of the Jedi written by Ryder Windham, we learn that following Darth Vader's failure to capture Luke Skywalker at Bespin, a blockade of Tatooine was imposed.
Imperial Star Destroyers were among the ships in the blockade orbiting Tatooine. The blockade had been in place since Darth Vader had failed to capture Luke Skywalker at Bespin. It hadn't been easy for Luke's X-wing and the Millennium Falcon to avoid the blockade when they'd traveled to Tatooine to rescue Han Solo, but getting off had been relatively simple, thanks to R2-D2.
Even though the novel details how, thanks to R2D2, the Rebels managed to leave Tatooine after rescuing Solo, it only states that "It hadn't been easy" for the Rebels' ships to land on Tatooine.
So far, I've found only two references regarding the rebel ships could have bypassed the Imperial blockade and Luke and Leia attempt to rescue Han as follows:
In Legends "Siege of Jabba's Palace" in the Prelude:
...all of them having slipped through the Imperial blockade of Tatooine after starting at Kothlis's asteroid field. [no source]
in Canon novel Star Wars. Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure (2015) by Cecil Castellucci the following conversation between Luke and Leia:
"...The fleet's nearly assembled. Plus we have new intel about Han. He's still in carbonite in Jabba's palace. And I have a plan to get him out."
Leia looked down at her uniform. "I don't know your plan, but I've been thinking about a role I could play. I'll tell you about it when we reach Kothlis. And then we'll get Han and bring him back to us. Where he belongs."
The problem is that the two references don't help much in answering my question, thus, I would like to know if somewhere else (Canon, Legends, behind the scenes, commentary, novels, etc.) it is described how they managed to avoid the blockade to reach the planet and rescue Han Solo.