I just finish Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks. This book is written in a peculiar way that makes it a non-straightforward read, and I'm wondering how different an impression a second read would leave. (Stop reading this question now if you hate spoilers.)
The numbers of the chapters indicate which stream they belong to: one stream is numbered forward in words (One, Two ...), while the other is numbered in reverse with Roman numerals (XIII, XII ...).
In the translation I read, there is preface by Gérard Klein where he end by telling he recommend reading it once like any other book, but then rereading it in an alternate order. He recommended to do the second reading starting with the chapters with Roman numerals in order (from I to XIII) and then read the chapters numbered in words from "One" to the end. he also pretend that you will discover thing by reading in this order.
I was skeptical, but after reading the end, I understand that a Rereading could be interesting.
So I'm wondering: Is a rereading, in an alternate order or not, worth the hassle?