So it is from somewhere in between the late 90s and early 00s.
There was a gang that killed vampires (a vampire-killing gang?). They wore armor somewhat similar to Warhammer and Warcraft at the same time and their weapons consisted of hammers, swords and guns. Also, there was a machine gun on top of their fully armored van, I think.
One scene that I really remembered involved a guy with some health condition from which he always lay in bed surrounded by medical devices (maybe their van was an ambulance?). Although he was pitied and everybody felt bad about him once, in a very bad situation, he helped his friends with vampires.
They were pursuing a bunch of vampires in the car chase. The vampires though were tough and did some madness that the protagonist group couldn't help themselves with.
At some point, the sick guy stood up at the top of the car and started glowing and emitting light beams. One vampire opened his jacket under which presumably was a space of everything absorbing endless. The sick guy's beams pierced through the vampire and the vampire wasn't happy about it.
This is mostly all that I can remember. To help with recognition I like to make an illustration of the scene (I'm not an artist):
I watched it when I was around six, and still after 20 years I sometimes remember it.