I read this novel about 20 years ago, in English. Even though the science is horribly wrong (which did bother me a lot) it is really a great novel. It starts with an anthropologist finding that Neanderthals became Homo sapiens sapiens with a less prognathous face just by shedding facial skin and flesh. As if shedding skin and flesh would affect the shape of the skull ! And we are not direct descendents of Neanderthals. And evolution does not work so fast, over a single individual....
Moreover, in this novel, the fact that, once more, some people start losing facial skin and flesh and become even less prognathous than us is taken as the onset of a new (and rapid) evolution to a new stage of mankind, beyond us, the ordinary Homo sapiens sapiens.
How the author, on that absurd premise, repeated twice at an interval of many tens of thousand years, manages to write such a gripping novel is really a "tour de force".