I really like this question, it kinda hints at what the safety notice turns out to be.
In the past outside of time chapter directly after the way of tea conversation, Cheng Xin reasons that after the broadcast Trisolaris should no longer care about the progress of human technology, as humans aren't their greatest threat anymore.
However, Trisolaris knows that humanity won't shy away from taking revenge on them if given the chance, given that Trisolaris really were the aggressors at every turn of this war. Not blocking human technology is one thing, but if Sophon were to outright give humanity lightspeed technology for the purpose of creating a black domain, there will be nothing stopping humans from exacting revenge. We could just gather an army and launch it at the fleeing Trisolarian fleet, we'll have more than enough time to do that before the solar system's destruction.
Cheng Xin concedes that Trisolaris won't give us tools that could lead to us chasing after them, and in the very next paragraph wonders why they won't share with us the tools we need to create a black domain. In hindsight it's very damning evidence that lightspeed travel is the key for creating a safety notice.
Well maybe more like a bearing coordinate than evidence :).