I recall reading a story about a young teen girl who lives in a world with genetically-modified humans and non-modified humans. On a school trip (rock climbing/hiking?), she runs into a girl who looks exactly like her but is 'non-modified'. I also recall they have a female leader who is reborn as a clone to continue her reign.

I'm pretty sure this book is not Replica by Lauren Oliver. Any ideas?

  • In roughly which year did you read this? And do you recall anything about the cover? Commented Aug 15 at 5:12

1 Answer 1


This is Star Split by Kathryn Lasky.

During the summer, Darci goes to rock climbing camp, and meets a girl identical to herself, Vivian. As Darci was born first, Vivian must be her "copy". The two girls are terrified: in their society, unauthorized cloning is the worst crime, punished with death for the perpetrators and all the cloned people. Vivian and Darci know that they must keep their meeting a secret, or they could be sentenced to death together with their parents.

enter image description here

  • 1
    That’s the one! My husband and I were talking about human genetic engineering last night and it triggered this memory. All google searches led to Replica but I knew that wasn’t it. I just remembered it contributed to thoughts about genetic engineering even if it wasn’t an amazing story. Thank you. Commented Aug 15 at 13:52
  • @JenniferBeauchesne - You're very welcome :-)
    – Valorum
    Commented Aug 15 at 14:36

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