I have a vivid memory of a book/story I read in the 1990's which means it could have been written anytime between the 40's and the 90's as I was being introduced to scifi/fantasy in the 1980's and 1990's. I don't have much beyond the initial setting of the story - guy wakes up lying on a battlefield, in the snow, at sunrise and he doesn't have amnesia or anything, he just recovers from being knocked out in a battle, but everybody else is dead or dying and he's been left for dead. I have the impression that the battle was barbarians with axes and swords, but it's just an impression. He wakes up, binds his wounds and heads out for vengeance, maybe, or to escape the wolves, then vengeance.
This was set in a fictional world, not ours. I don't remember any fantastical aspects of the setting, although I wouldn't be surprised if there were elves.
I've been re-reading Conan thinking it was a Conan story but it doesn't seem like it is one of Howard's original stories. Around that time, I was heavy into Conan, starting in on Michael Moorcock and all over the place in terms of scifi.
It's not much to go on, but y'all are amazing so I thought I would ask. If I think of something else, I'll add it. But, I figure if my memory of that first scene is so vivid, maybe it stuck with someone else, too.