I read this novel so long ago I don't even remember when. Maybe 40 years ago, or more.
I'm positive it is a novel, but the only thing that comes to my mind is one small but essential episode.
One character, a woman, was a "light artist" : she used light to create 3D patterns. The SF aspect is that, like the light from the "light-sabers" in Star Wars, the light beams were of finite length, so the creations were finite size "sculptures".
The artist met another character, a man. There was some sexual tension between them. For a lot of reasons, which I don't remember precisely, there was no possibility for this tension to lead to consummation.
She offered to make a "light portrait" of the man. It was not meant to be realistic, but rather to be an abstract representation of her feelings about his personality. Most of it was very positive, except for one detail : a dark coloured (perhaps a dark purple?) spot, like a knot, at the center of the mostly bright "sculpture".
When he asked about this "dark knot", she answered that she felt that something was blocking him from realising his full potential and the knot represented this block.
IIRC, this sculpture was a turning point is the plot, as it led the man to an introspection, which in turn led to a successful effort to overcome that block with huge consequences. Alas, I don't remember any more details.