Was this premise in an anime or in an audiobook? The main character was a healer and, during a battle, he used his healing ability to drain the health of his opponent.

  • 1
    Are you thinking of "Redo of Healer"? Not so much drain but afflict injuries - anything he'd previously healed could be inflicted. Commented Sep 3 at 5:11
  • In roughly which year did you watch/listen to this? Commented Sep 3 at 6:41
  • Is there any possiblity you were thinking of a novel instead of an anime/auidobook? The reason I ask is there there is a similar premise/scene in Octavia Butler's Patternmaster in which the MC Teray uses his healer ability to actually defeat an opponent.
    – beichst
    Commented Sep 8 at 13:32


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