A watched this movie (probably based on a novel) about 20 years ago. I don't remember the details, except the main idea : some very special people were able to guess that a crime would be committed and by whom. With this information it was possible to prevent it. However, sometimes these people were mistaken. A case of such an error was the main topic of the movie.
To tell the truth I never understood how they could ever be right if the police arrested the "future guilty party" before the crime was committed, so it was never committed and the person arrested was perforce innocent.
I remember, however, a small detail. When a "future crime" was guessed, instead of sending the name of the "future criminal" on the monitor of a computer, or printing it on a slip of paper, a sphere of wood was specially carved and the name was printed (or engraved ? or burnt ?) on it. I thought that was a very ineffective way to do it. Precious minutes could be lost, when an electronic mail to the closest police station would be so much faster...