I remember very little of this anime, but I will share what I do know. The main character was a guy who had chains around his heart. There were magical beasts inside him.

I saw this ages ago, I'm pretty sure on a site that no longer exists or got shut down, which definitely makes it harder to find. If I had to try and pinpoint when I watched it, I'd say around 2018, but I don't know when the show was made.

I remember the main character having darker hair. The chains around his heart broke, and he kind of went berserk with the power of the beast inside him. Also, a main thing I remember was that I think it's set in Japan, where the place he lives is like a platform island able to detach and reattach for ships or whatever.

  • Hi, welcome to SF&F. Where and when did you see this?
    – DavidW
    Commented Sep 11 at 0:09
  • Motifs of chains, hearts and beasts make me think of Pandora Hearts, but I don't know if it exactly fits your recollections.
    – Showsni
    Commented Sep 11 at 0:58
  • I saw this ages ago I’m pretty sure on a site that no longer exists/got shut down so that definitely makes it harder if I had to try and pinpoint it id say around 2018 but I don’t know when the show was made
    – Mango038
    Commented Sep 11 at 2:07
  • I looked around at it a bit and it seems like it’s not what I was looking for, something else that might help is that I remember him having darker hair and the chains around his heart broke and he kind of went berserk with the power of the beast inside of him also a main thing I remember was I think it is set in Japan where the place he lives on is like a platform island able to detach and reattach for ships of what ever
    – Mango038
    Commented Sep 11 at 2:15


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