I know that, as part of their training, all Jedi were required to build their own lightsaber.
Did Yoda teach Luke on Dagobah before heading to Bespin?
I know that, as part of their training, all Jedi were required to build their own lightsaber.
Did Yoda teach Luke on Dagobah before heading to Bespin?
In the book Shadows of the Empire Luke goes to Obi-wan's old place on Tatooine and finds his lightsaber plans. Luke uses these plans to build his own lightsaber. If you compare Obi-wan's lightsaber and the one Luke made, there are some pretty major design similarities.
When Luke was training under Yoda, he already had a lightsaber, so it's not unreasonable that Yoda skipped the 'how to make your lightsaber' lesson.
There is a deleted scene from The Return of the Jedi where Luke completes his lightsaber on Tatooine.
This was also addressed on the old "Ask the Jedi Council" website.
While Force intuition did play a great role in the construction of Luke Skywalker's new blade, all the necessary technical information was contained in the place where he built it: Obi-Wan Kenobi's hut on Tatooine.
Luke had some basic background on lightsaber building from Obi-Wan and Yoda, but he was mainly guided by his intuition, which of course was a product of the Force:
Luke’s teachers, Obi-Wan and Yoda, had told him only a little of the way a Jedi must use the Force to build a lightsaber.
And yet he seemed to know exactly what he needed to know. Reaching out with his mind, he found the right pieces—some easily purchased, some much harder to acquire.
After leaving Obi-Wan's hut, he knew he had at last collected everything he needed. While our other heroes bustled about preparing for the rescue, Luke retreated into the solitude of a desert cave and puzzled over the pieces... In the end it took not just physical tools but also the Force to put it all together and bring the crystal inside to life.
Beware the Power of the Dark Side!
Of course, intuitive mechanical aptitude is one of the markers of a strong Jedi. Anakin was able to build a fully sentient droid from spare parts, with little formal knowledge of droid design. Ahsoka, during her time hiding from the Empire on Raada, not only fixed a heavily broken machine, but rebuilt it with many of the required parts missing, and then used those parts to help build a new lightsaber. Being almost supernaturally good at mechanical stuff is what Jedi do. Undoubtedly one still needs some background knowledge, but Luke had whatever (probably considerable) general mechanical knowledge he had acquired in his childhood, and an outline of the general theory of lightsaber design from Obi-Wan and Yoda.
He also had many of the parts needed for lightsaber construction, which he found in Obi-Wan's hut:
There, in his master’s lonely hermit hut deep in the Juntland wastes, he found a few things Obi-Wan had left behind that were useful to him... including the missing parts he needed for the construction of his own lightsaber—the weapon of a true Jedi Knight.
Beware the Power of the Dark Side!
It might have been obvious how many of the essential parts fit together from their shape—even more so, with the aid of the Force.