A while ago a friend told me the plot of a book (or book series, he isn't sure) that he couldn't remember the name of, and I want to find it.
Here's what he told me:
Every person in existence is in hell: Mozart, Hitler, Ghandi, everyone. No one knows why for sure. Hell is a lot like normal modern life, but everything is slightly worse.
There is an eye in the sky and everyone thinks it is watching them.
Dante is in hell and he's some kind of programmer/IT guy, and he thinks the reason he's here is something offensive in the divine comedy. He keeps trying to rewrite it to fix the problem, but his computer always crashes and erases the file before he can finish.
People can't die here; when they do they are taken to some sort of incredibly creepy guy to get stitched back together.
The only exception to this is Hemingway, supposedly because he spent his whole life preparing to die, so now he can't even temporarily discorporate.
I have never run into anyone who recognizes this - I'm told Riverworld is sort of similar but not really? It'd be awesome if this rings a bell for someone, thanks.