On Farscape, Moya was serviced by a fleet of Diagnostic Repair Drones, or DRDs for short. I've been trying to find out how those DRDs that featured on the show - One-Eye, DRD Pike and 1812, and the nameless others - were operated by the show's technical crew.
Were they radio-controlled, like a toy car? Were they pulled around on wires? Was there some over-complicated arrangement with magnets pulled around under the set's floor? Were there tiny puppeteers in green-screen suits that were erased in post-production?
I've Googled around for it, but all I could find was a lot of sites selling DRD replicas, some even looking similar to the original, or YouTube videos helping you build one on your own from a kit or completely from scratch. No behind-the-scenes information about how they did it on the show.