I have been reading a lot of Arthur C. Clarke short stories recently. I read one called "Nemesis" in "The collected short stories of Arthur C. Clarke" which says that it was also published as "Exile of the eons"
The plot is roughly this:
At the end of a war (and loosing) 'the master' locks himself in a chamber to sleep for 100 years. There is a malfunction and he sleeps through eons. Another character is also sentenced to be exiled in time. The second character finds the master, wakes him, realises who he is and murders him.
I distinctly remember a very similar story with some of the same aspects, specifically:
the character 'the master', a malfunctioning time chamber in the Himalayas, Nitrogen gas being used, the passage of time with the Himalayas eroding.
However I also remember a distinctly different ending
The master is awakened by sentient Insects and promptly dies of a heart attack.
Doing a bit of googling there is a story "The Awakening" which has some of these aspects. Specifically
Malfunctioning time chamber and insect overloads.
but there is a difference
The time chamber is in a spaceship.
Does anyone know where the version I remember comes from? It seems like a hybrid of the two stories.