I'm trying to identify a novel that retells the story of Ragnarok as a space opera. If I recall correctly, the protagonists were a small group of extraordinary individuals named after the Norse gods, while the antagonists were ordinary men who crewed starships with names like Surt, Fenris and Garm. It had many elements of Starship Troopers, Armor, and Ender's Game, although with a mythological rather than political slant. I bought the novel in a supermarket in the mid-to-late 1980s, so it was most likely published around that time. It predates Stephen R. Donaldson's Gap Cycle. I've since lost track of the book, and I haven't been able to figure out the title or who wrote it.
The story is primarily written from the point of view of the godlike protagonists, although if I recall correctly there are also counterpoint sections following the antagonists. The climax features a space battle roughly following the story of Ragnarok, with heavy losses on both sides (e.g., Odin is killed in combat with the ship Garm).