At least after the movie Tron:Legacy we know, that programs do use recreation facilities and do interact socially.
So my question is, what is the daily life of a program inside "The Grid". Do they sleep, do they wake up? Do they drive to work? They seem to consume energy in their spare time - how is spare time defined for a Tron program.
BUt actually I am asking about the daily life of a program, maybe it can be visualized like the "lifecycle" of an real program. Starting, Do Job, Unload.
I didn't remember that programs in Tron do dissappear when finishing a job (unloading) - so could it be considered, that a program have spare time after finishing a job and what would they do in that time?
This question sounds a bit wierd but following the Tron-Universe I would be interested in opinions how others think about the spare time of programs.