I believe that "The Akallabeth" in The Silmarillion mentions dragons among the dangers of Middle-Earth about Second Age 500, leaving Sauron to conclude that Eru and the Valar had forsaken Middle-Earth.
Dragons were amoung the evil things which began to stir again in the Third age.
The Dwarves hid themselves in deep places, guarding their ancient hoards; but when evil began to sir again and dragons reappeared, one by one their ancient treasures were plundered, and they became a wandering people. Moria for long remained secure,...
The Return of the King Appendix B, the Tale of the Years, introduction to the Third Age.
So the first dragon attacks on Dwarf realms would have begun about 1050, when the Shadow fell on Greenwood the Great, or about 1300, when evil things began to stir again. I suspect that Moria in 1980-81 was the last of the seven Dwarf kingdoms to fall.
In Third Age 1977 Frungor or Frumgar led the Eothed north to the headwaters of the Anduin.
The Return of the King Appendix B, the Tale of the Years.
Of his son, Fram, they say that he slew Scatha, the great dragon of Ered Mithrin, and the land had peace from the long-worms afterwards.
Return of the King Appendix A, II The House of Eorl
A group of Dwarves claimed the hoard of Scatha, which may have been stolen from their ancestors.
Thus Scatha may have destroyed an ancient city and kingdom of one of the seven races of the Dwarves somewhere in Ered Mithrin The Grey Mountains.
I suspect that Fram killed Scatha decades before 2077, and that by then six of the seven ancient kingdoms of the Dwarves in Middle-earth had been destroyed by dragons and four of the seven Dwarf Rings had been consumed by dragon fire.
In Third Age 2570 it is said:
About this time dragons reappear in the far North and begin to afflict the Dwarves.
The Return of the King Appendix B, the Tale of the Years.
In 2589:
Dain I slain by a dragon
And in 2590:
Thror returns to Erebor. Gror his brother goes to the Iron Hills.
The Return of the King Appendix B, the Tale of the Years.
Year 2770"
Smaug The dragon descends on Erebor. Dale destroyed. Thror escapes with Thrain II and Thorin II.
The Return of the King Appendix B, the Tale of the Years.
So there was a wave of Dragon attacks in the Grey Mountains from about Third age 2570 to 2770, which seems to have subsided for lack of targets soon after, since by The Hobbit in 2941 Dragon attacks were a thing of the past.
And there was an earlier wave of Dragon attacks in the Grey Mountains (and beyond?) that ended by about 2077 or probably decades earlier when Scatha was slain. This wave of Dragon attacks might have begun about 1800. An earlier wave of Dragon attacks might have been from about 1100 to about 1300, though that is speculation.
And six out of seven of the ancient kingdoms of the Dwarves were probably destroyed in the one or two earlier waves of Dragon attacks BEFORE Third Age 2570.
And there were also dragon problems in the Second Age.
There was no peace from dragons lasting all 6,011 years from the War of Wrath and the Great Battle to Third age 2570.