The 'Tomed Incident' between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire in 2311 that cost thousands of lives and led to the signing of the 'Treaty of Algeron' which banned Federation research into, or use of, any cloaking device. This treaty led to the withdrawal of the Romulan government from interstellar affairs until 2364. (Even though they're constantly slinking around trying to cause trouble). What if the Klingons or any other race with cloaking technology joined the UFP? Would they be required to relinquish that tech or be denied membership?
We know there have been 'exceptions' to the treaty's cloaking restrictions. Most notably for the Defiant and cloaked space-mines. Are there also 'exceptions' within the treaty for new member states as well?
I added that last paragraph to more fully develop the question.