A long time ago, back in elementary school, we read an excerpt of a story - I don't remember much (and some of the details might be wrong), but I'm hoping the mighty stack community can help me identify it.
From what I remember of the excerpt, the main character was a youngish boy bullied by one or more of his peers, who were possibly slightly older. I don't remember if the boy gets injured or if the bullies just trap him somewhere, but one way or another he ends up missing his class's hatching/pairing ceremony. Just when he thinks he's missed his chance and there are no dragons left for him, he comes face-to-face with a bronze dragon as it's hatching. The story makes a point of stating that bronze dragons are uncommon, and noone expected this boy to be paired with one.
Intuition leads me to believe that it might be part of the Pern series, but I haven't read any of it so I can't confirm. Any insight you can provide would be most appreciated!