I imagine that the effects of a vampire being inside a house without an invitation vary depending on the literature you read. I'm going to pose a theory based on the True Blood series.
In the True Blood series, any time a vampire has had their invitation revoked while they are inside a house, they are forced to leave. While the only scenes I've seen seem to have the vampire involuntarily speed-walk themselves out, I think a more unnatural force could take effect if the vampire either could not move themselves or attempted to fight the removal.
Regardless, it is evident (based on the series we're going with here) that a vampire can in fact be in a dwelling uninvited for a very short time - just long enough to be removed.
So, pairing that with transporter technology, here's my theory:
The vampire would transport in normally, but upon final materialization they would be forcibly expunged from the house via the nearest exit. Or, if a "nearest exit" does not exist, they would probably end up "making one" on their way out.