What was the cause of the virus that turned dead people into zombies? For example, was it after a nuclear blast or explosion? Was the virus in food or water? Or did the virus surface because of a post apocalyptic occurrence?
1 Answer
This has not been answered in the show.
In Series 1 Episode 6, Rick and his group
reach a Center for Disease Control facility
where they meet Dr Edwin Jenner, a scientist who has been trying to understand the zombie virus. Jenner has more scientific knowledge than any other character in the series so far, and has closely studied the virus; but he doesn't mention anything about its origins, probably because he doesn't know.
However, we can rule out a "nuclear blast or explosion" as the cause of the plague. A large-scale nuclear detonation is impossible to conceal and would be international news, but none of the characters has ever mentioned such an event.
I doubt any of the survivors are equipped to test for radioactive nucleotides in the atmosphere. While I doubt the Walking Dead apocalypse has anything to do with nukes, assuming nuclear war was swiftly followed by a plague and societal collapse, it is entirely conceivable for people to be unaware of it. Recall the mystery nuke in World War Z, for example. Commented Nov 30, 2014 at 0:32
@JamesSheridan: Yes, but the mystery nuke in WWZ was detonated after the zombie plague had taken hold. If the origin of the plague was related to a nuclear event, that event must have occurred while technological civilization was still functioning, and government agencies, news media, etc. were around to report on it. Commented Nov 30, 2014 at 0:38