Synthetic foods are all the rage, and while some are new and novel, many are attempts to recreate the taste and texture of a natural foods, with varying degrees of success. One company introduces a new synthetic food that becomes wildly popular. The competition analyzes it, and based on discovering what natural creature it is based on, they petition the government to ban it.

They discover that the product is synthetic human flesh, so consuming it is not technically cannibalism, but it is similar, as they explain to the panel of government officials.

  • 2
    STACK EXCHANGE IS PEOPLE!!! Hufu was a very similar idea. It turned out to be a joke, but it was very convincing.
    – Schwern
    Jan 2, 2015 at 4:09

1 Answer 1


That's Arthur Clarke's 'Food of the Gods.'

Most of the story is giving backstory to the development of the product line, and how, revolting as the idea is to them now, humans used to eat animal flesh.

"You and I, gentlemen, come from a long line of carnivores. I see from your expressions that most of you don't recognize the term."

The current popular food is basically a replication of meat, and the new, massively popular food line ("Ambrosia Plus") is.. well, the narrator prepares to explain it's origin...

"When I began my evidence, I used the archaic word "carnivore". Now I must introduce you another: I'll spell it out the first time: C-A-N-N-I-B-A-L... "

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