We regularly see Worf doing some sort of exercises that are similar to Tai Chi and I was just wondering what these were? I know we see him doing this in the TNG episodes Parallels (where he proceeds to break a table) for some reference and names it (although I didn't catch the name) in Birthright Part II when teaching to the Klingons.

  • From the question title, I thought you were referring to the early TNG episodes where Worf would battle some constructs in the holodeck with some goofy looking melee weapons. This was the Klingon Calisthenics Program, apparently. Anyways, have an upvote.
    – Dacio
    Commented Feb 26, 2015 at 17:52

1 Answer 1


After reading through the Memory Alpha page on Worf, these exercises are called 'Mok'bara'. They are:

a Klingon form of martial arts

and said to be like meditation, clearing the mind.

This is an image of it for those needing to jog their memory: Worf leading a Mok'bara group

  • I just realized... in World of WarCraft, Mok'bara are a race of lobster-creatures. Gotta love Blizzard and their Star Trek references!
    – Omegacron
    Commented Feb 26, 2015 at 21:24

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